New products

New products

Our team are always looking for products to make your lives easier. We are constantly thinking about how we can extend our service to our like minded community to take the headache out of sifting through all the green washing and false promises of thousands of products out there. We apply our own strict ingredient and ethical practices standards to all products we have on offer. If it's not good enough for our family then it's not good enough for you.

We are also aware that everyones values and priorities are different when it comes to low tox, organic, sustainable and ethical practice's. As a family we try to follow the 80/20 rule with all things we consider important otherwise it can become all consuming. You may find some listed brands/ingredients/practices that you consider to not be the best. If this is the case and you have reputable facts to back your claim we invite you to gently share them with us as we are always open to educating ourselves further and doing better for the community.